
We provide a wide range of marketing services on a consultancy, freelance or contract basis.

There are many advantages of hiring a freelance marketing consultant. In recent years marketing professionals were embedded in companies with little chance of leaving a steady job, complete with pension and perks.
However, today's workforce tends to change jobs several times; the gig economy can be seen as an evolution of that trend.

In today's digital age, the workforce is increasingly mobile; we can now work from anywhere. Freelancers and consultants can select jobs and projects around the world, while employers can select the best individuals for specific projects.
AM Marketing works with companies to fulfil a wide range of needs. We collaborate with trusted partners who can deliver projects to fulfil a client's needs.

Arlene Maltman has over 20 years experience in marketing related industries. She trained as a copywriter in Boston agencies, before moving to New York where she worked for two of the world's biggest advertising agencies - Foote, Cone & Belding and Young and Rubicam.
Her clients included: AT&T, Domain Home Furnishing, Chase Manhattan Bank, Met Life Insurance, Harley Davidson, Science Diet, Alpha and British Airways.
Arlene moved home to Jersey in the Channel Islands to be with family and to enjoy her lifelong passion - surfing. Here she worked for the BBC and HSBC as well as the local government.
Arlene's varied career includes a stint for the Santa Cruz Film Festival and a surf instructor in Hawaii.

Arlene has a B.A. in Communication Studies from Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California.

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